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Do you need a business plan for a startup business loan?

You also need to write a business plan, which should include your company’s objective, sales plan, market analysis and financial projections. A good business plan can help to keep your business on track. Lenders will also want to see your business plan when considering you for a startup business loan.

What are the best startup ideas?

The best startup ideas have business plans that solve a problem, meet an unmet demand or improve upon something already on the market — if not all of the above. Here are 40 ideas to help get your wheels turning as you look to bring a company to life. Grow your small business with tailored insights, recommendations, and expert content.

How do startups get started?

Founders normally finance their startups and may attempt to attract outside investment before they get off the ground. Funding sources include family and friends, venture capitalists, crowdfunding, and loans. Startups must also consider where they'll do business and their legal structure.

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